Monday, April 23, 2012

InDesign Composite Project

Last week I completed my InDesign Composite Project. We had to make a brochure so I made onefor my friend Katie's flower shop. It is located above! It is a Z-fold design brochure.
Design Principles Used:
I used a lot of balance in this design with the picture balancing out the text and vice versa. I also used proportion with the photos in some areas, and it flows together nicely because they in the end balance each other out. This whole brochure has a horizontal symmetry to it.  

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

brochure reflection.

This type of brochure is a full-color, Z-Fold brochure. The front visual takes up the whole space, and the font in very small. If I could change the line, “Fayetteville, Historic Walking Tour” I would make it bigger so it would stand out more to the viewer’s eye. The visual, however, is perfect. I love that they used an old historic statue, makes the tour look interesting.
On the front inside page they have an introduction telling what the brochure includes, and they have an old vintage picture below it, which balances it perfectly. Throughout the rest of the pages they have number-bullet pointed historic locations that people should go and tour while in Fayetteville, with a small paragraph telling about each location. They have included a few pictures and a small map. The map is perfect because it has the number of each location on it where that point is located.
When you flip the brochure over it has more historic locations and descriptions with a larger map, to where these locations are listed. It also includes a picture along the bottom. I think it looks great and would be awesome to have if I wanted to go on a walking tour throughout Fayetteville.
Some improvements I would make would be to make the heading on the front larger. Also, I think it would look better if they made all of the old time pictures the same color instead of some sepia and some black-and-white, I feel like they should make them all sepia.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Advertisement Reflection.

This advertisement for Milk is an Endorsement and Testimonial Advertisement. The Line is “Goal by Beckham. Body by Milk”, I think this is a great Headline because it is saying that he works hard for everything he has accomplished, and milk has helped get his body the way it needs to be in order for him to accomplish these goals. The visual of Beckham is perfect, because it shows off his muscles and his milk mustache, and every guy wants to be him and every girl wants to be with him.
The Body of the ad is also really good because it explains how milk is good for you and how many glasses you should drink a day to look like David Beckham. The actual product shot is the milk mustache on his upper lip, which makes you think he just got through drinking a glass of milk. The tag line is body by milk, which is used twice, and is perfect because people will think to get this body they need to drink milk. In the far right corner is a sign-off, of the website people can go to in order to learn more about the product and its benefits.
 The one improvement I would make is to capitalize “Milk” in the slogan, I think it would look a lot better and flow together nicely if it was capitalized.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Good Layout vs. Bad Layout

Good Layout:

This is an image of a good magazine layout. It shows balance and symmetry. The large picture on the left is balanced out by the text on the right. I also like how they incorporated small interesting pictures next to the text to keep it balanced.
Also, they use fonts from the same font family, as you can see all fonts have serif feet. Alnd the colors used go nicely together, so the layout doesn’t look too busy and cluttered. This is a great example of a good layout.

Bad Layout:
This is an example of a bad layout. There is way too much going on and it could confuse the reader, or make them not even want to read it. Also there are too many different font types and sized used. They should have stuck to at least 3, even though in my opinion I think sticking to two is enough. This whole layout needs to be re-done so it will not look so messy and flow better. Also, the charts need to be re-done or taken out completely.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Integrating Adobe Photoshop and Illustartor.

-Make documents of the same size in both Photoshop and Illustrator, this will make it easier to work with, and everything will match up precisely.
-Most blend modes are the same in Photoshop and Illustrator. You will use these to get really interesting effects and realistic looks.
-Smart Objects are embedded into Illustrator as a vector file.
-When you change the color or font of text in Illustrator you have to save it before the changes will show up in Photoshop.
-You can create new actions by recording everything you do, and then you can reuse that action over and over again. This will save time in editing different photos in the same way.