Wednesday, April 18, 2012

brochure reflection.

This type of brochure is a full-color, Z-Fold brochure. The front visual takes up the whole space, and the font in very small. If I could change the line, “Fayetteville, Historic Walking Tour” I would make it bigger so it would stand out more to the viewer’s eye. The visual, however, is perfect. I love that they used an old historic statue, makes the tour look interesting.
On the front inside page they have an introduction telling what the brochure includes, and they have an old vintage picture below it, which balances it perfectly. Throughout the rest of the pages they have number-bullet pointed historic locations that people should go and tour while in Fayetteville, with a small paragraph telling about each location. They have included a few pictures and a small map. The map is perfect because it has the number of each location on it where that point is located.
When you flip the brochure over it has more historic locations and descriptions with a larger map, to where these locations are listed. It also includes a picture along the bottom. I think it looks great and would be awesome to have if I wanted to go on a walking tour throughout Fayetteville.
Some improvements I would make would be to make the heading on the front larger. Also, I think it would look better if they made all of the old time pictures the same color instead of some sepia and some black-and-white, I feel like they should make them all sepia.

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